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Community Services

The LA Fashion District’s sidewalks and public right-of-way are maintained and patrolled by our Clean and Safe Teams. Clad in the LA Fashion District’s historic signature yellow, these teams are on patrol 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Their work often goes unnoticed but is vital to maintaining a positive public environment for our community.

Clean Team

A clean and safe LA Fashion District is our top priority. The Clean Team crew is responsible for keeping up with the demands of the district’s cleanliness, and keeping the public right-of-way free of excess trash, graffiti, and so much more. On average, the LA Fashion District’s very own custodial team removes  20,000 graffiti tags, picks up 225,000 trash bags, and pressure washes 19 million square feet of sidewalk each year. Day and night, the Clean Team crew works diligently while also assisting residents, employees, and visitors every step of the way. The Clean Team is staffed through a partnership with Century Maintenance Group (CMG), whose priority is to hire the best ambassadors who have a passion for downtown and understand the importance of making positive impacts daily.

Safe Team

As goodwill ambassadors for the LA Fashion District, the highly visible staff of yellow-shirted Safe Team members welcome and enhance experiences for residents, visitors, and employees in the LA Fashion District. They provide an enhanced safety presence on the streets -- acting as the eyes and ears for LAPD’s Central Division -- patrolling on foot, bicycle and by vehicle seven days a week. In addition to handling various types of quality of life issues in the public right-of-way, such as disorderly conduct and trespassing, the Safe Team responds to over 200,000 incidents, assists over 10,000 citizens, and completes over 10,000 welfare checks on homeless individuals each year. The LA Fashion District Safe Team is well-trained and is always ready to help. The Safe Team is staffed through a partnership with Allied Universal, a company that specializes in security services and solutions.

LA Fashion District Field Office
424 E. 15th Street, #11
Los Angeles, CA  90015
P: 213.741.2661 (24 Hour Response)
F: 213.741.2666

Emergency Contact Card

The LA Fashion District Emergency Contact Card contains important contact information for issues related to the cleanliness and safety of the district. These cards are especially useful for district businesses, property owners, residents, and visitors. Download a digital copy of the Emergency Contact Card, or contact the LA Fashion District Field Office if you’d like to receive hard copies of this important resource.


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Protect Your Property

A couple of ways to help ensure that private property is protected is to 1) Post “NO TRESPASSING” signs in appropriate areas, and 2) File a “No Trespass Authorization Form”.

This form needs to be filed with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) each year. Filing this form with LAPD allows them to arrest any trespassers on your property. Once completed, forms can be submitted via email to: The LA Fashion District BID then files submitted forms with LAPD.